Sunday, December 22, 2013

Real Time

This will be a poem in real time.
I mean now, right now.
Contemporaneous, simultaneous.

In older days it was current or present,
In days gone by it was recently or just now,
But now it's real time because anything else would be..

Well now that you ask, what would it be?
If it's not real time, is it false?
Is this false time though as soon as I say it..... because that was then?

It seems to me that once again we have found a way
To take a word and obfuscate
A way to blur and complicate

Real life, in real time sounds much more cool to me
Than living now authentically,
Not falsely then, quite recently.

We are keeping it real,
See it and hear it before you feel it
False time is so three nano seconds ago,

We often reject the past as false
Because only time right now is real
Because truth lapses. Apparently.

But does real time make sense when alone
What if real time only makes any sense
When it's together with its friends, past and future.

Time whether false or real is a line not a block
It came from somewhere and continued on
It's not just real because we believe it, notice it, or regard it.

Time will outlive us, precede us and humble us,
It's not real because we say so,
We are real because time made time for us.


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