Thursday, June 18, 2009

Old Faces Old Places

We are now in the dregs of the Daddy and Boop do Britain tour that was recently undertaken with passion 2. It was a time to celebrate a High School career successfully completed, a time to renew old acquaintances of the ne'er forgot variety, and a chance for passion 2 to revisit old friends and significant way markers in her yet uncompleted life.

Of course this is a time for 3 xl to revisit his old way markers also, those un-stoned Ebenezers of life. If I may I would like to typify this trip as like looking at the soup pot of life and remembering that you have to periodically stir up the good stuff from the bottom of the pot to achieve the full flavor of the soup, and truly understand and perhaps reveal the many elements that go in to making of a whole soup, or a life, as it were.

Of course there are always surprises and changes. Potatoes and carrots can get a little softer, squishier and grayer over the soups cooking time and we are not exempt from that process also. Of course some say we came from primordial soup or ooze but I prefer to look at life as a bit of an oozey' soup, some points proving to be more viscous than others, which seem to flow very quickly. The end result however tends to be far more tasty than when we started and there is nothing that ruins a soup than cooking too little or stirring too much. Life can be like that I fancy.

Some of the things thrown in at the beginning seem to take a lifetime to cook, and are just now starting to give their full flavor, and some things added hastily at the end will prove to be worthless in their contribution and were just added for that quick boost or garnish. If it takes time to cook it is worth the wait, never rush it.

Take note that the best soups have many things added from many places and it is the combination of the many that makes the one soup the most exquisite and tasty, and that the complexity of the ingredients, will in its time, produce the simple result of of one good tasty soup, or life.

Roots, shoots, vegetables spices and all...

Most importantly, remember that everything in that soup needs to be held and suspended by the water that causes each ingredient to interact. Life is no different and the living water that Jesus talked about is not just a good idea, it is the one thing that can not be left out, or our lives like our soup can end up a little dry, then brown, and in the end burned... That is the last thing I would want for anyone. So add those ingredients as you go, cook and give time for the flavor's life to emerge, but never forget, without the living water it will sooner or later burn.

If you are like passion 2, still learning what goes into a good soup, or like 3xl, remembering some of the things that made him as tasty as he is today... I wish you a fond and loving happy cooking from England.