Monday, May 19, 2014

A Mother's day Poem

So enough of bearded ladies,
Enough of politics.
Desist with all this culture war
And poison rhetoric.
This is a day to honor those both special
And yet common
A group, a band a sisterhood
A special kind of woman.
Not all can call themselves this name
But all have benefitted from them.
I speak of course in rhyming verse,
Of one none other,
Than a mother.

All of us have got one, had one, been one
Or become one.
All of us would have to say, we love them, loved them
And respect them.
It's so much more than giving birth, to mother and to nurture,
It's way beyond some quick and easy short term little venture.
A mother, true to that dear name, gives all to those she bore,
Her busy days and caring ways are never seen as chore.

Whether babe in arms, teen up in arms, witness to their child holding their own baby in their arms, or as life fades, being held in another's arms, yet comforting those remaining,
A mother's role is unending.

This poem's however is not.

So I celebrate, appreciate and eulogize today,
the one who taught me sacrifice, and how to gently live a life that stirs a smile, and questions a style, and walks a loving side by side mile.

I honor and bless the one I love, one I helped become a mother,
How glad am I to this very day, it was me and It was no other

To my daughters this day, all grown up in their way, till the time when they are mums too,
May you cherish your mum, appreciate what she's done in the joy of her love for each of you.

Happy Mother's Day Jo.

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