Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Its not all about me, isn't it?

Today, a rather sweet and uncharacteristically subdued passion three came to me and said, "daddy, I've been reading that book you gave me and I realize that it is not all about me."

Now those who have the pleasure of knowing passion 3 will know her as a bubbly, vivacious,friendly and chatty person who fills any room she enters with fun, and it has to be admitted, a certain increase in the noise level.(Don't cross her though, just saying!) As one prone to entering the room with statements about what one of the multifarious celebrities she follows are doing this week,  for breakfast or some such, this was a rather different tack or opening salvo. It was not however an unwelcome one and in fact gave me pause to think. Reflection, self effacing comments and humility are not the usual bill of fare when dining out at Lou's cafe, but it was sincerely delivered and despite my erstwhile joking, sincerely received by me.

I thought for two minutes on the wisdom and revelation expressed in those words. For some of us not a new revelation, but for the majority of us one that needs to be revisited through the span our our lives if we are to understand our place in the purposes of God and in the responsibilities we hold in our world, present or future. When the young express wisdom the old are still trying to learn, it strikes me sometimes and humbles me once again.

She is right of course. It is not all about us at all.

I had a a friend once who used to love to say a particular put down when some poor unsuspecting person asked him something. He would say, "Don't worry about it, your not important enough," then laugh at his gentle put down. Funnily enough though here we find a strange enigma, because in some ways he was right, I am not important enough. This becomes especially true when we look up from Earth, as God looks down from Heaven.

As I look up, I sense like Isaiah, the Lord, High and lifted up and I can not help but say to myself, it really is not all about me. However when God looks down upon us all, one by one, hair by hair and cell by cell, I perceive that the love He has for us, causes Him to say, "child of mine,  this is all about you."

I guess it is one thing for God to say it, and quite another for me to take this for granted, and think and act as if it was true by any personal virtue of mine. So I find myself, like my passion 3, trying to live aware of the importance that is attached to me by God whilst realizing that when I look at my own needs, desires, plans and hopes, it really is not all about me after all.

I was bought with a price, redeemed at great cost and now, I no longer live, but Christ lives in me.

You see it really is not all about me, its about the One who lives in me. Isn't it?

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